Exhibition of the Budapest Esély papermaking studio

2024.10.18. – 2024.11.30.

The technique of traditional paper dipping is not only a creative and artistic process, but also a therapeutic tool. In the rehabilitation workshop of Budapest Esély, this activity helps people living with psycho-social disorders or struggling with integration difficulties in self-expression and in improving their mental well-being.

With the participation of well-known visual artists and specialists, the exhibition provides an insight into the therapeutic processes of the workshop, as well as an opportunity for the artists to share their work with the community.

Opening: 2024. október 17. csütörtök 17 óra
Greetings by: DR. DOMBAY-PETIK Rozália – jogi előadó és szakmai vezető, Budapest Esély Nonprofit Kft.
Opening speech by: HU-YANG Kamilla képzőművész
Exhibiting artists: EGED Enikő Katalin, HU-YANG Kamilla, KOLTAY Dorottya Szonja, METZING Eszter, és a Budapest Esély papírmerítő műhelyének dolgozói
Curator: JAKUBÍK-CIFRA Anett képzőművész, intézményi segítő Budapest Esély Nonprofit Kft.
On view: 2024.10.18. – 11.30.
In cooperation with: Budapest Esély Nonprofit Kft.